Saturday, April 22, 2017

Domestic Terrorism- ELF

Grace Picariello
April 19, 2017
Earth Liberation Front

The Earth Liberation Front, more commonly known as the ELF, is classified as a domestic, environmental terrorist group that committed crimes of terror in the early 2000s. The group consisted of fourteen members, who were mainly from the left wing. Angry at the way large corporations and smaller businesses were taking advantage of the environment, they began protesting publicly, taking a "hippie" approach at first. They wrote letters of protest to hundreds of different corporations that they thought were destroying the environment and used peaceful techniques like sitting with signs and conducting small marches. However, when the group came to the realization that these tactics weren't producing the results they wanted, they took to a more violent approach. The group was responsible for mass arson on several buildings and businesses. ELF member Daniel McGowan was horrified and shocked when he heard that he was being put into the category of a terrorist. The group believed they were fighting for a noble cause and did nothing more than commit a few federal crimes. They did not see themselves as terrorists. On the contrary, the Earth Liberation Front ought to be considered a domestic terrorist group as they were an organization of non-state actors, who used violence and terror against civilians in order to achieve a political goal. 

The ELF, like most other political or terrorist groups, believe that the cause they are fighting for is a just and noble one that works for the good of the majority. Logging companies were cutting down trees at furious rates and this angered the environmental advocates, who were not politically involved prior to their formation. The group had little knowledge about the environment up until this point. Certainly, they were not categorized as a group of state actors. This makes them subject to fit the definition of a terrorist group. Although two more categories must be met. Terrorists must attack non-combatants for a political goal.

The members of the Earth Liberation Front would argue that the companies they attacked were not innocent since they were contributing heavily to the environmental problems that loomed. Furthermore, ELF never actually harmed a human being during any of their protests or burnings. Although they did not use violence against people, they certainly instilled fear into those who were involved in the logging business in any way. This fear was that their livelihood and main source of income would be destroyed unlawfully. This fear became real for several business owners and loggers. Many of the companies, once burned to the ground, were not able to rebuild.

Terrorist groups, as defined by the United States Department of State, must be acting violently as a means of achieving a political goal. It is no secret that environmental protection is at the forefront of political debates. ELF made it clear that the cause they were fighting for was the environment and their targets were companies and industries that were destroying it. Any logging business would be subject to attack. Watching the documentary, it was shocking to me how little remorse they displayed over the atrocities they were orchestrating. They felt that since they were not targeting humans directly, they were nothing more than a group of young adults committing multiple counts of arson. This, unfortunately for them, was not how the justice system saw it. Since this group was comprised of non-state actors, who were targeting non-combatant peoples in order to attain a political goal, the Earth Liberation Front should, without a doubt, be categorized as a terrorist group.


  1. Grace,

    If the ELF did not target people, how can they commit violence against non-combatants? You bring this up but do not fully address it.

  2. Nice post Grace! I like how you summarize the points in your conclusion highlighting that because the ELF is composed of non-state actors who targeted non-combatants for a political goal they should be considered a terrorist organization. Your reference to fighting for a noble cause made me think of religious jihad, as radical Muslims are fighting for a cause they see as justified. We have definitely discussed this in class but how do you think we should determine the line between freedom fighter and terrorist? Is it necessary for terrorists to have a political goal to be considered terrorists? I remember in the video the ELF burned down a facility which was planting multiple trees for each one it logged, do you think the ELF's actions were extreme or unwarranted?

    Just curious! It seems that violence tends to breed violence yet the logging companies were unable to retaliate as their enemy was unknown. Do you think that given the opportunity they would have acted in kind?

    All best!

  3. Hi Grace, I agree that they are terrorists because they are targeting innocent people who are just doing their job. They are not making decisions about laws to protect the ecosystem. They created fear in local individuals and made them afraid to do their own jobs. I think that those actions are clear signs of terrorist actions.

  4. Hi Grace, I liked your post and your discussion around the how the ELF, although they may not have killed or attacked individuals, were still able to instill terror through arson and thus should be labeled a terrorist group. When we first learned about the ELF I found myself in a peculiar situation and didn't really know what to label this group. Since labeling them a terrorist organization puts them in line with a group like Al Qaeda, which has committed some of the worst terrorist attacks the world has ever seen, it was hard for me to come to this conclusion. However, I ultimately came to the same conclusion that you did and saw that the actions the ELF participated in were those of terrorism.
